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Newsletter – June, 2011

Welcome to our June newsletter!

In this issue we’re celebrating our second month offering online credit card payments. We are also covering important updates regarding the HCF / Manchester Unity merger as well as Medibank Private’s transition to Eclipse.

We’re also reviewing privacy requirements as they impact us on a daily basis and have a special Just Your Type offer to bring in the new financial year.

Finally, there’s an update regarding 1 July fee changes and we’re offering 25% off the latest Private Practice course in Sydney next weekend.

Happy reading,
Margaret Faux

Credit Card payments available at Synapse

Our new online credit card payment facility was launched with the April reports and has been a huge success with a large number of clients taking up the option immediately and more joining them this month.

It’s an easy payment system allowing you to make payments online, enjoy any extra frequent flyer points and further streamline your practice.

We have had a few enquiries for American Express. If there is enough demand we will certainly consider adding AMEX as a card we accept, so please contact us if this is something that is of interest to you.


HCF / Manchester Unity merger

As many of you would already know, HCF purchased Manchester Unity in December 2008. The final stage of that merger will be completed on 30 June 2011.

All Manchester Unity members are being provided with new HCF membership cards during the month of June. These cards will be active from 11 July 2011 and must be used exclusively as and from that date.

So from 11 July 2011 any Manchester Unity patient memberships will be invalid.

We will be keeping an eye on this for you and will be in regular contact with HCF regarding any claims that are rejected due to membership number issues.

Medibank Private’s move to Eclipse produces a few hiccoughs!

On Monday 30 May 2011, Medibank Private went online for Eclipse claiming. We transmitted large volumes of claims using the new Eclipse channel on your behalf and unfortunately, all of these claims were processed incorrectly and were paid only at the schedule fee rather than at the Gapcover rate (more than 25% less!).

After speaking with Medibank we discovered that the cause of the incorrect payments was Medibank’s unique requirement that we must tick a box indicating that written informed financial consent (IFC) has been provided for all Gapcover claims. This is despite the fact that there is no legal requirement to do so and that no other fund has such a requirement.

We are of the view that to comply with this requirement would amount to a false declaration for each and every claim submitted and therefore, on Wednesday 8 June 2011 we stopped all electronic claiming to this fund and have reverted to paper-based claiming.

Interestingly, the Medibank Private batch header for paper Gapcover claims clearly states that written IFC is not required where there is no patient out of pocket expense – which reflects the correct legal position.

So if we’ve got this right, written IFC is required for electronic claims but isn’t for paper claims using the one and the same Medibank Gapcover scheme. Another unfathomable inconsistency, or in the vernacular…… go figure!

Given that most doctors who choose to use the Gapcover system do so to benefit patients, one must question why Medibank would add this burden for doctors who, to comply, would need to provide written advice to every patient they consult in a hospital bed to the effect that the patient won’t have to pay anything.

If this is of concern to you please tell your College or if you are an AMA member please let them know. You might even want to call Medibank on 1300 130 460 or email them at

In the meantime, we have stopped all online claiming to Medibank and will be batching and sending paper claims until further notice. We have also arranged for all of the incorrectly processed claims to be topped up to the Gapcover rate and will be closely monitoring the progress of these claims to ensure they are correctly paid. So don’t worry, we are onto it and rest assured all of your claims will be correctly paid. Stay tuned for the next installment.

“…thank you and now the name of the patient’s first pet please?”

Well it’s not quite this bad but it’s getting close.

As part of our service to you the Synapse team spends hours on the phone everyday to the health funds, Medicare, Veterans, other providers, the workers comp insurers to name but a few, obtaining updated information, checking membership numbers, obtaining provider numbers and so on. It’s our job and we love it!

But we are finding that we have to jump through more and more hoops to get to first base with many of those who we call. It’s the world of privacy that we live in and we just have to roll with it. And whilst we have extensive online facilities which give us direct access to much information, sometimes we just have to get on the phone.

You can help us by providing as much information on your consultation records as possible for every patient, remembering that without a date of birth as a bare minimum, the person on the other end of our call will simply hang up.

Here’s a transcript of a fairly realistic encounter we experience when there is a date of birth issue:

So thanks for paying attention to the details – especially those of you who hand write patient information.

Pocket Dictate makes your iPhones go off!

Pocket Dictate is a free application for iPhones that turns your device into a dictaphone.  And for those of you who use Just Your Type we can configure the application to send your files securely to our FTP server ready to be picked up by our medical transcriptionists.

“It’s amazing, I just use my iPhone like a dictaphone, press a button and the dictation is sent through straight to the transcription service – my patients are so impressed with how savvy I seem!” (Physician, Sydney).

Please contact us if you’d like to find out more.

New financial year introductory offer

To celebrate the new financial year we are offering new transcription clients their first five letters free and 10% off the first months transcription account. So for those of you interested in trying out our service, why don’t you give it a go for July? There’s no joining fee, no contract and no obligation – you have nothing to lose!

Offer starts from 1 July, for the month of July 2011 only.

Can we help with your hospital department typing woes?

With an ever expanding pool of transcriptionists, some doctors are inquiring as to whether we can assist their local hospitals with our transcription service. The answer is yes and we’d love to.

Not only do we have the capacity to help your department on a regular basis, we can also provide backup service when people are on leave, when department staff need to be freed up to attend to more important tasks or simply to clear a back-log.

If you think we can help just give us the name of the relevant person and we’ll give them a call. Contact us today!

Employment & Practice management course

The Private Practice is offering a 25% discount to Synapse clients for the upcoming Employment and Practice Management, one-day intensive course in Sydney next weekend. See details below.

If you’d like to attend just call Steven Macarounas on (02) 9362 5050 and inform him that you are a Synapse client. I hope to see some of you there.

Employment & Practice Management

One-day ‘intensive’ course, 

9:00am to 7:30pm
Saturday 25 June 2011

Russell Investments, Level 29, 135 King Street, Sydney

We are regularly receiving communication from course delegates and College and Society executives, asking us to build modules within our course work aimed at Practice Managers. This ‘Intensive’ course on Employment & Practice Management has been designed with this request in mind and is aimed at both established practitioners and their practice managers as well as senior trainees and recent fellows.

The course will give delegates a deeper understanding in the following areas:

  • Medical Billing – myth busting and revenue optimisation
  • Recruitment – for the employee and employer
  • HR Management – from dealing with problems to staff motivation
  • IT – Hardware and Software – emerging technology for practice and personal efficiency
  • Practice Audit, Review & Benchmarking – the path to superior practice performance
  • Outsourcing – the virtual practice?
  • Private & Practice Coaching – maximising your effectiveness

For the agenda, please view documents under ‘related files’ on the 
course page.

To find out about all of our 2011 courses, or to register please click here.

Should you have any questions or queries, please do not hesitate to contact Ashley Howarth, Events & Marketing Manager, on (02) 9302 3509 or

1 July 2011, fee updates

And finally, Medicare and the funds have advised of 1 July fee changes. We will import the new fees into our system as and from 1 July and will update fee tables if necessary in the Latest News.

Synapse booth at the ANZSGM in Auckland in May 2011.

Our gall stone counting competition was a huge hit!

Thanks for reading the winter newsletter – and in the eastern states, we can definitely confirm that winter has arrived! Enjoy the soups, the winter sports and the promise of spring.All the best,
Synapse Medical Services


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