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The Art of Communication that Synapse Will Never Lose!

The Art of Communication that Synapse Will Never Lose! Talk to us at Synapse we can help

The Lost Art of Communication


Do you remember the days when you would approach a reception desk, peer, colleague or employer and that person greeted you with a genuine smile on their face?

As times have changed, more often than not we have our attention focused on our computer screens or our heads buried in our phones which is making face-to-face communication an anomaly.

As technology led healthcare administrators, we at Synapse know and understand this scenario only too well!

Therefore, it is important not to disregard the vital contact that does not come through a device and we say that as a company that prides itself on our wonderful industry leading devices at Synapse!  In this day and age, it is imperative to keep face-to-face communication a part of your business model thus enabling business relationships to blossom and thrive, even if you do have our instant billing  app “Synapps” at your fingertips!

In this post, we are taking a look at the benefits of personal contact in a business setting whilst giving a bit of detail on our hopes for 2018.

Positive Body Language

It is said positive body language is still one the most highly regarded parts of effective communication in business.

Positive body language, such as a friendly smile, eye-contact or listening intently can all be lost when people are hidden behind a screen, rather than in face to face communication where good body language can be seen and measured.  At Synapse we are evolving into an international service and technology provider. We believe this hybrid approach, with key personal service being led by trailblazing tech, will maintain our relationships throughout the jurisdictions we operate in.

We love our clients and the networks that we’ve proudly built, whether it be our army of Australian doctors, our India Australia governmental ties or our more recent network in the United Arab Emirates.

Building Relationships

In this busy environment we work in, there are many businesses like ours who embrace the use of electronic devices for communication rather than meeting with clients or even employees who work in the same office or building.  We, at Synapse, will always do both.

Planned meetings, lunches, drinks or even just catching up for a chat are irreplaceable and will build a trust and rapport that communication through a screen just cannot achieve.

In 2018 we have various new and exciting products to launch to market. Some, we feel, will be extremely positively received in the healthcare space. This will mean further growth for Synapse and we cannot wait to meet our clients and connections during the coming year when we will explain our new offerings face to face.

We are always available for a chat, whether it be about our services or just the healthcare space in general.

Build Family-Style Values

If you are looking to build a medical practice that conveys old style family values and you want your patients to feel this as soon as they enter your practice then start by taking the time to have a look at what your staff are doing behind the reception desk.

Administration teams who have their heads down looking at their phone as a patient walks into the office can be off-putting and may give a negative first impression. Whilst greeting a patient by name with a genuine smile is a fantastic start, restricting staff’ use of their mobile phones and having them focus on patient arrivals, appointments and departures will create a relaxed, friendly, family atmosphere.

This is the beauty of our hybrid model of technology supporting our service delivery. Let us do the work in the background so you and your staff spend less time worrying about administration and more time looking after your patients.

We are always looking to automate and make our clients lives easier as we know how precious time can be. This doesn’t mean however that we will lose the personal touch that helped us grow into an international healthcare service provider in the first place. This ethos is instilled in every Synapse employee from induction and we are incredibly proud of our Company’s low attrition rate, which shows the importance we place on firm relationships, inside and outside of our organisation. Real tangible relationships.

At Synapse Medical Services, our specialty is paperwork, letting you focus on your patients. We offer services including medical billing, transcription, remote clinic coding, as well as app-only solutions or healthcare consultancy.

If you’d like to learn how Synapse Medical Services could give you the much needed time to bring face-to-face communication into your medical practice, call us on 1300 510 114 or contact us online.

We’d be happy to meet to discuss the best way forward!

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