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The United Nations of Synapse

Sydney Harbour Bridge the United Nations of Synapse

An article by Thom Soutter

The Kangaroos, Team India and The Poms…

Where would you expect to find all of the above? Yes, usually the above would be associated with the Cricket World Cup, but these days you also see a mix of Australian, Indian and English at Synapse Medical Services. Although at Synapse the three nations try to work in perfect harmony with one another, there is still a little bit of sledging!

At Synapse, we are proud of the ethnic diversity which builds the foundations for our growing international healthcare company, with offices now in Australia, India and Dubai (headed by yours truly).

This exponential growth means that cutting edge technology is at the heart of every week at Synapse, with devices to hand, countless Skype meetings and using time difference to our advantage. However, it is always important not to lose that face to face interaction that builds trust, respect and a healthier working relationship. The human touch is how all long lasting relationships are built.

Therefore, recently I as Global Business Development Consultant and Hridesh Kohli, our General Office Manager in Chennai, India, headed for the business trip of a lifetime with two weeks with the rest of the management team in Sydney.

The two weeks had been carefully scheduled around lots of business activities, taking in Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane along the way. The highlight of the visit being our first ever management summit whereby we could all, whilst in the same room, use two well-planned days to strategically map the next few years for the business.

We also had networking events in the Australia/India community planned, an awards Gala in Brisbane (where we agonisingly missed out on SME of the Year and Business Leader of the Year for the international activities of our Founder, Margaret Faux) and the Synapse Christmas party (yes, it’s early but a good excuse with us all being together!). I even managed, as an exiled Manchester City fan, to find another team in sky blue to go and watch in the down time. (*Sydney FC*).

Having met with key clients, valued colleagues and various connections during the two weeks I was not surprised by the similarities in business between Australia and England. This is obvious in the infrastructure, the “can do” attitude to business and the efficient way of dealing with any request.

I am extremely privileged to work for a company that has allowed me to travel to Chennai, Delhi, Sydney, Brisbane and Melbourne in my first year of employment with the business. Our company ethos, which is centred on excellence, innovation and limitless boundaries, stems from our forward-thinking leadership. Our CEO has worked internationally for decades and my colleagues are a carefully selected fusion of individuals, who use a multicultural skills set to produced shared goals.

Our offices utilise this diversification of thinking and team-work to offer healthcare administration solutions through tandem methodology.

My first year at Synapse has been an eye-opening journey, from setting up our first Middle Eastern office, bringing Australian quality to the region and becoming part of business communities that I had never envisaged being active in previously, namely the India Australia Business Council or Austrade.

There have been various “pinch me” moments in the last year. Any expat living in the UAE will testify that sometimes “normal” here can be quite surreal, whether it is doing business in a desert, learning new customs or the sheer size of some of the buildings! Well Sydney was no different and a cruise with clients and colleagues around Sydney harbour was certainly one of those moments!

Our management team consists of the three nationalities mentioned in the title, with now additional trusted advisors in the UAE, KSA, the UK and further afield.

Our team also has a wonderful balance of male and female representation with experience in business totalling 163 years!

The diversity shown makes us stronger when assessing new markets, strategic growth or a reasoned debate on a decision around service framework. Our solutions, whether they be app-based, revenue centric or educational are built around frameworks that can be adapted for various jurisdictions. Our clinical coding expertise – ICD-10 AM or CM – is starting to shape health systems in the countries where we operate, by looking to find the balance and correct procedures between payers and providers to provide a healthy mix of insurance schemes, whilst reducing as much wastage as possible.

We scale quickly and robustly (now having 150 staff with low attrition rates) and stand to benefit as governments look towards a consistent healthcare delivery, particularly around making healthcare more affordable and sustainable, as all systems around the world start to feel the pressure from various consistent elements.

There are similar problems being faced by every healthcare system worldwide; ageing populations, poor gateways to health, curative as opposed to preventative behaviours, spiralling costs, wastage. Synapse, in our own way, is trying to combat this. Innovation is key – we have international minds looking at our respective routes into each market.

We, through our global thinking approach, are starting to develop unique products for the healthcare market, both in revenue cycle management, service delivery and education. The last two weeks have centred our goals for 2018 as we expand our international footprint further. Watch this space!

If our international family has you intrigued then please do get in touch as I am always available to talk –

Synapse is a growing triumph for diversity in a world where diversity is not always celebrated as it should be. This Mancunian cannot wait for the next chapter and the business journey that 2018 brings.

Hello world…

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