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Needs based investment in healthcare policies to support best practice and centres of excellence

Synapse table at RACS event

Synapse Medical Services CEO & Founder, Margaret Faux, was in Dubai this week as part of an esteemed panel of speakers to discuss “Needs based investment in healthcare policies to support best practice and centres of excellence”.

Synapse were honoured to be invited by the Dubai Health Authority and joined a wonderful healthcare centric event as part of a week long look at what future investment is required to further build a sustainable healthcare system in the Emirate. The event consisted of key stakeholders in the UAE and it was wonderful to see so many friends from our Advance Health (hyperlink please) initiative.

Margaret shared stories from an Australian perspective and was joined on her panel by award winning healthcare author, Mark Britnell, along with other expects from the Middle East and further afield.

It was great to see common threads from each area of the sector and a consensus that collaboration will be required from all sides to tackle workforce shortages, rising costs and ageing populations. The event shared experiences from across the globe as to what constitutes “best practice’’ and how this can be best strived for.

Challenging times are ahead for every healthcare system in the world but with these challenges also comes great excitement and innovation. Healthcare data availability and consistency is key to making informed and correct decisions with regards to areas of need for any healthcare framework. Synapse Medical have tools to enable this to happen on a global scale and we thank the Dubai Health Authority for the chance to be part of this event.

We look forward to the next stage of our Middle Eastern adventure.

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