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COVID MBS items Explainer and FAQs, No. 36, 27 April 2020

Dear Doctors and Health Care Workers

A whole week without a new Medicare billing law being introduced. Crazy!

No questions today, so just wanted to thank those of you who took the time to submit comments on my article in AUSPUBLAW.

It seems to have resonated positively, and I’m glad you felt it accurately reflected current issues and challenges for doctors, patients and the government.

So, we will be here, every day, throughout COVID, ready to answer your Medicare billing questions.

If we slow down our posts, well I guess that’s a good thing, because it may mean you have finally attained some billing clarity. But please don’t hesitate to submit a question if you have one.

I will of course keep an eagle eye on the legislation register and notify you of any upcoming changes.

Thanks everyone

Fun Fact: It was Shakespeare’s birthday last week, so stay safe and god speed!

Margaret and the Synapse team.

COVID MBS items explainer and FAQs No. 36, 27 April 2020…Read more

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