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Uncomfortable truths

History has shown us that the most meaningful changes have come about because of uncomfortable truths.

It is unfortunate that Australian doctors are currently working within a broken healthcare system that lacks transparency, checks and balances. This allows the misuse by some, to impact the trust for all – that is why transparency is in the best interest of patients and doctors.

For medical practitioners who are doing the right thing there will be no big impact, and being able to prove this through transparency, is the start of rebuilding the trust in the Medicare payment system.

Only when unambiguous facts about loss rates are put on the table can this debate progress beyond the pointless ‘who’s estimate is better’ and the persistent attempts by vested interests to pretend ‘this is not really serious’. We need to urgently move on to ‘what to do about it’.

When no-one knows how much is being lost, how can we know how much to spend on tackling the problem, no how aggressive the approach needs to be in protecting public funds.

That is why we are calling for a medical records review to validate our findings.

Dr Margaret Faux (PhD) – Founder & Chief Executive Officer
Synapse Medical Services


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