Welcome to our April update and special offer.
We have an update on credit card payments for you – we’re almost there now.
Also, as clients of Synapse we have a special 25% discount for an upcoming course with The Private Practice. But you’ll need to hurry!
Happy reading,
Margaret Faux
Credit Card Payments

An update: credit card payments will definitely be available from next month. You’ll be receiving your invoice via email and you can pay and review your invoices online, 24/7. We will be sending a detailed update about our the new invoice area of our website soon.
Accounting, Taxation and Business Structures, wealth creation and lifestyle planning – Saturday 30 April, 2011

9:00am – 7:30pm
Saturday 30 April, 2011
Level 35, 135 King Street, Sydney
A 25% discount applies for all Synapse Medical Services client registrations to this course … whilst seats are available. Enter “TPPIFD” into the Promotional Code on the online registration form to receive the discount.
REGISTER NOW: follow this link.
Accounting, Taxation & Business Structures
‘Structuring’ issues for Practices
- Taxation aspects of dealing with your practice income
- Tax and contracting your services – are all models the same?
- Group practices – what are the options and issues to consider?
Taxation Issues for Investing
- ‘Structuring’ issues for different stages of life
- Strategies for managing your debt
- Issues regarding tax deductions vs asset protection
- ATO activity on trusts, companies and other investment structures
Julie Smith is the Director of Tax Services for William Buck, Brisbane. Julie’s key area of expertise is in helping clients understand complex taxation laws and assisting them to manage the implications for their business.
Property Investing
- What are the advantages of buying off-the-plan
- What to look out for – the cons
- A brief look at residential markets and what attributes you should look for in an investment property
- Taking advantage of current legislation in the off-the-plan market
Barry Porter is the National Manager, Intermediary Relationships at CB Richard Ellis – Residential Projects, Australia’s preeminent residential project marketing business. Barry assists busy professionals with all aspects of purchasing an investment property.
Advanced Strategies in Wealth Building: Self Managed Super Funds (SMSF’s)
- How to legally exceed your superannuation contribution caps?
- Buying your rooms within your SMSF
- Borrowing strategies within your SMSF
- Property development and your SMSF – a model for developing a day surgery
David O’Callaghan is a Certified Financial Planner and senior adviser with Fintuition. He is a member of Fortnum Financial Advisers and an Authorised Representative of RI Advice Group Pty Ltd AFSL No 238429
Nick Ali is the Technical Services Specialist for Super Concepts
Investment: The role of ‘Administration Platforms’
- Hear from BT Portfolio Services Limited on exactly what comprises a wholesale Wrap/SuperWrap investment administration platform
- The background behind their development
- Current state of the platform market in Australia and the planned future developments
- Also hear from a highly experienced wealth adviser to health care professionals as to the practical implication of Wraps and SuperWraps within a doctors overall financial affairs
- Why invest in retail funds which are often polluted with commissions, when you can invest into wholesale funds?
- Why have 15% contributions tax deducted from your super contributions even before they hit your account, when it can be taken out quarterly in arrears at a much lower rate?
- How a non-super investment account can reduce the fees on your super, and vice-versa.
Tim Blackwood is the Business Development Manager for BT Wrap. Tim has been employed with BT Financial Group for five years and specialises in the distribution of the BT Wrap Investment administration system to Australia’s premier financial advisers.
Warren Skinner is a Certified Financial Planner. He is a member of Fortnum Financial Advisers and is a Director of Fintuition Wealth Advisers.
Investing in this Current Market Cycle
- Eight key themes from a macro economic view point
- Recent events stemming from the unfortunate natural disaster in Japan
- Political and social turmoil in Arab States – how they affect our view around investing
Andrew Pease is the Chief Investment Strategist, Asia Pacific, at Russell Investments. Andrew has extensive financial industry experience as an economist, investment strategist, fund manager and central banker.