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Read about Events from Advance Health, a forum focused on healthcare networking, comprising of hot topics, interactive panel discussion and engaging networking interactions.

A Roadmap for AI in Healthcare – Advance Health

19 May 2023

Advance Health met on 12th May for a discussion on the emerging role of AI in Healthcare. The session explored the opportunities in utilising the power of AI to drive innovation from provider to patient, reviewing the potential applications as well as the barriers that need to be…

Medicare Legal Issues in Bulk Billing produced by Leo Cussen Centre for Law

21 Apr 2023

The legal consequences for health professionals when incorrectly bulk billing can range from simple error through to misconduct findings, that can impact the right to practise medicine.

In this free seminar, presented by Dr Margaret Faux (Founder & CEO of Synapse Medical S…

Medicare Fraud – ABC News episode

8 Apr 2023

ABC News interviews Dr Pradeep Philip about the findings of his review into Medicare.
Aired on the 4th April 2023.

Watch video episode – Medicare ‘no longer fit for purpose’ amid widespread fraud (available until April 18, 2023 on ABC’s iview)

Listen to the audio transcr…

A landmark report into Medicare estimates non-compliance losses of up to $3 billion a year

4 Apr 2023

Investigative journalist and columnist Adele Ferguson discusses the recent independent report on Medicare by Dr Pradeep Philip in her opinion piece published in The Sydney Morning Herald, Medicare review blows apart the AMA’s ‘nothing to see here’ argument.

Philip’s re…

Medicare is once again in the spot light

4 Apr 2023

Medicare is once again in the spot light after an independent review by health economist Dr Pradeep Philip found the structural issues within Medicare system could lead to significant levels of fraud. He says Medicare is needs urgent reform and estimates up to $3 billion a year i…

ABC interview with Dr Margaret Faux, discussing Medicare compliance and GPs

16 Mar 2023

Watch Dr Margaret Faux on live TV ABC News channel, March 2023, discussing Medicare compliance and GPs.


Synapse is delighted to announce that we are leading a national project to develop the non-admitted patient classification for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia across 9 clinical streams

16 Mar 2023

Synapse Medical Services is delighted to announce that we are leading a national project to develop the non-admitted patient classification for the #Kingdom of Saudi Arabia across 9 clinical streams.

Project Team: P…

Arab Health 2023

27 Feb 2023

The end of January marked Synapse Medical Services 7th annual Arab Health conference in Dubai (home to one of our wholly owned offices), hosted at the Dubai World Trade Centre by Informa.

The 2023 edition was the 48th Arab Health Medical Expo, which has grown into one of the l…

Synapse Connect December 2022 – So here it is, the end of another year!

20 Dec 2022

So here it is, the end of another year!
Welcome to our final update for 2022. It’s been a big year!

We have continued to improve our two software products – Aircoder and the Synapps MBS – and are excited to share that a completely new version of the app is currently in …

Medical Republic article – Medicare belongs to the Australian people

18 Oct 2022

In the 11th October 2022 article for the Medical Republic, Dr. Margaret Faux discusses Toby Chambers’ case against Medicare for denying him a Medicare rebate. Chambers lost his case on technical grounds, but this story is a powerful wakeup call that shifting costs to the consum…

HL7 and openEHR, better together

3 Oct 2022

In the article, HL7 and openEHR are friends, not foes (published by Wild Health 28th September 2022), Professor Heather Grain discusses data systems HL7 and openEHR and the key advantages of using them together for a more coordinated healthcare data delivery system.

“These two…

Medical Republic article – Three little words…

28 Sep 2022

In the 27th September 2022 article for the Medical Republic, Dr. Margaret Faux discusses the case of Dalima Pty Ltd v Commonwealth of Australia (New South Wales Supreme Court, Unreported, 22 October 1987), where the central issue for determination was the meaning of the three wor…

Medical Republic article – What do you do when neither Medicare nor your MDO has a clue?

15 Sep 2022

In the 13th September 2022 article for the Medical Republic, Dr. Margaret Faux discusses Item 132 and 133 recently targeted by the Department of Health and the confusion surrounding use of these items with timing and setting.

“The initiative was a perfect example of how no one…

Bulk-Billing Primary Health Clinic

6 Sep 2022

A consultancy project that Synapse has undertaken in 2022 has been to work closely with a bulk-billing primary health clinic that services a challenging population with complex needs.

Synapse was contracted, in a multi-phase project, to explore ways to ensure the future viabil…

Medical Republic article – Where is your health data now?

1 Sep 2022

In the 30th August 2022 article for the Medical Republic, Dr. Margaret Faux discusses the use of codes and data storage and the challenges faced to keep sensitive patient health information secure.

“Keeping health data secure, while also allowing it to exit bricks and mortar b…

Medical Republic article – Medicare reform needs to be led by experts who understand the whole system

18 Aug 2022

In the 16 August 2022 article for the Medical Republic, Dr. Margaret Faux discusses the inaccuracies in an opinion piece in MJA Insight written by two psychiatrists, about the use of MBS codes.

“As the only Australian with a PhD on Medicare claiming and compliance, I am used t…

Symptom-based Syndromic Surveillance, UAE

15 Aug 2022

Synapse is involved in an ongoing international stakeholder consultancy project focussed on AI enabled early detection of pathogens to enable countries to quickly ringfence and contain outbreaks of diseases such as Covid-19 before they become widespread.

Aircoder, our automate…

Medical Republic article – The international language of SNOMED

4 Aug 2022

In the 2 August 2022 article for the Medical Republic, Dr. Margaret Faux discusses the international language of SNOMED and how it can make our data meaningful and precise without clinicians needing to change a thing.

Clinicians use different words to describe the same things …

Synapse Connect July 2022

25 Jul 2022

Dear Synapse Network,

Welcome to our belated first newsletter for 2022, and boy is there a lot to update!

If there is one positive that’s come out of the ongoing Covid pandemic for us, it is that it has allowed us a period of consolidation and internal development, includ…

Medical Republic article – Australia’s health system still in the traveller’s cheque phase

21 Jul 2022

In the 19 July 2022 article for the Medical Republic, Dr Margaret Faux discusses that without the adoption of the international standard health information model, portable medical information still means carrying around pieces of paper.

“To get Australia’s health system out …

Advance Health Care Dubai 2022

20 Jul 2022

We’ve been receiving great coverage of our recent Data Driven Care Advance Health event in Dubai, featuring our CEO, Dr Margaret Faux & Business Development Director, Thom Soutter.

The event took place on Wednesday 22nd June at Dubai Science Park. Our CEO, Dr Margaret Fa…

Medical Republic article – Reform before rebate rise

8 Jul 2022

In the 5 July 2022 article for the Medical Republic, Dr Margaret Faux discusses why she believes we need Medicare reform before rebates can rise.

“So, what we have is a failed policing system where some very good clinicians are having their lives destroyed for unintentionally …

Article by Adele Ferguson on the big losses of tax payer’s money from billing errors through Medicare system

5 Jul 2022

In the July 4, Financial Review opinion piece, Medicare fraud, errors are costing $7b a year, by Adele Ferguson, Dr Margaret Faux is interviewed about the billing errors of medical practitioners through Medicare system amounting to losses of billions of dollars a year.

Read th…

Medical Republic article – Impenetrable codes and bad ‘official’ advice

22 Jun 2022

In the 21 June 2022 article for the Medical Republic, Margaret Faux discusses how doctors are vulnerable to misinterpretation of the Medicare billing system, and incorrect advice from the DOH doesn’t help to clarify Medicare’s complex system of laws.

“In the absence of nat…

Medical Republic article – Let’s bill the why, not just the what

15 Jun 2022

In the 7 June 2022 article for the Medical Republic, Margaret Faux reflects on the introduction of Medicare’s predecessor, Medibank and the evolvement of that into the Medicare system in place today.

“The ways we pay for health will continue to evolve, but the Australian hea…

Article by Dana Daniel on the AHPRA inquiry into allegations on misconduct into the cosmetic surgery industry

8 Jun 2022

Read Margaret Faux’s comments on lifting the ban on testimonials for medical advertising, in the June 7th Sydney Morning Herald article by Dana Daniel, Scrapping ban on patient testimonials would give free rein to cosmetic ‘cowboys’, experts warn.

“I’m really worried a…

Medical Republic article – ECG changes amount to gibberish

25 May 2022

In the May 24th, 2022 issue of The Medical Republic’s Money & Medicine newsletter, Dr Margaret Faux discusses the five basic rules of good legal drafting in context to some MBS items and the importance of aligning clinical vocabulary when describing clinical services.


The Guardian article – Inflated bulk billing numbers and Medicare is haemorrhaging money

16 May 2022

In the May 14th, 2022 issue of The Guardian, Dr Margaret Faux discusses Medicare bulk billing and non-compliant billing within Australian health regulation.

“Working in the underbelly of our health system has taught me that trumpeting artificially hyped statistics is a sign of…

Medical Republic article – PSR law is written so the PSR wins

11 May 2022

In the May 10th, 2022 issue of The Medical Republic’s Money & Medicine newsletter, Dr Margaret Faux discusses the litigation-plagued PSR and the need for reform.

“The PSR has been plagued by litigation since it began, particularly in the area of procedural fairness. My res…

Medical Republic article – Paid or not to be paid, that is the question

29 Apr 2022

In the April 26th, 2022 issue of The Medical Republic’s Money & Medicine newsletter, Dr Margaret Faux discusses the questions of whether a submitted claim will be paid or not, and if paid, whether the doctor was entitled to that payment. The doctors in Margaret’s research c…